Eminent Domain Presentations

Juris Corporation has been creating effective, case winning presentations for condemnation and eminent domain litigation for 30 years. We use a balance of 3D visualization and animation, large format courtboards and multimedia presentations to make your case. One of the most effective tools is 3D visuals and animation that compare before and after conditions, such as you see in the above illustrations.
Before After
The above illustrations are a unique combination of photography with 3D graphics overlaid. This is a very effective tool that combines the present state of a piece of property with the impact that future construction will make on it. This makes it easy for a mediator, judge or jury to comprehend future impact. The red overlays add a dramatic, hard-to-forget touch. And, we can do the same technique with video.
Present Future
The above exemplars show present and future conditions of the same roadway. The present is representated by video with a 3D overlay. The future condition is created in 3D animation and shows the dramatic changes to be made in the roadway. These changes will impact property and businesses in terms of accessibility, ingress, egress and visibility and business damages.
Call Robert Scott at 407.648.0405 to discuss your condemnation and eminent domain case needs. He can provide winning solutions for your presentation.