Robert S. Scott
Robert S. Scott, Founder and President of Juris Corporation, is a professional designer, artist and photographer. In 1985 an attorney friend asked him to create a series of exhibits for a complex case involving transfer of electrical power from commercial to generator while the plaintiff was working on the system in a major office building. The expert only spoke expertise, which a jury would find difficult to understand. Robert designed the exhibits, using the science of INFOgraphics, which made the expert's presentation easy to understand and retain. The result was a $million plus verdict, a major feat some 33 years ago.
It soon became known that Robert had a unique set of skills that allows him to visually reduce complex issues to simple graphical ideas that a judge and jury can easily comprehend. Thus, Juris Corp was born.
Since 1985, Juris Corp has created presentations for over 3200 cases involving mediations, arbitrations and trials with a success rate in excess of 90%.
If you are a litigator, welcome. You are where you need to be and, you are on your way to winning your case. Let Robert apply his unique skill set to your client's needs. The science of INFOgraphics is applicable to all areas of litigation, turning complex issues into understandable concepts that will excite, explain and sell your client's position.